Tag Archives: Bread

More Than Just Cotton Candy

Start by reading John 6:24-35

Do you know what one of the biggest disappointments of the food world is?  Wait for it…..

Cotton Candy

So that’s probably not what you thought I was going to say.  You’d be right about that.  But stop and think about it for a second.  Cotton Candy is very good, but as soon as it hits your mouth, it disappears.  What cruller trick is there to play on someone than to give them sugary goodness, only to have it melt away in your mouth.  Of course, I suppose the trick works, because it keeps us going back for more. Continue reading More Than Just Cotton Candy

Scarcity, Abundance, and the Unexpected

Start by reading John 6:1-21

This idea of scarcity and abundance is something that has been on my mind a lot, but it wasn’t very clear.  What was there, has started to take on a better shape.  The main reason for this is due to Church Camp.

I enjoy going to church camp.  I know, that for most folks, their idea of a good time isn’t spending  week with a bunch of high school and junior high age kids.  For me that’s a vacation.  There is something genuine about them, once you get past the person that they want everyone to think they are.  They are at that goofy and awkward age when they are still trying to figure out who they are.  That time of life leads to a lot of laughter, but also to a lot of vulnerability.  Its both fun, and a privilege for me to share in that time with them. Continue reading Scarcity, Abundance, and the Unexpected