Tag Archives: Commitment

Taking Down the Veil

Start by reading Exodus 34:29-35  and Luke 9:28-36

This morning I’m preparing for the onslaught.  You might be wondering what that onslaught is.  Its just that Lent is coming.  Lent is quickly becoming the next of the major holy days/seasons to become completely secularized.

Now before you think I’m going to complain about that, I’m really not.  And I’m not because we’ve largely done it to ourselves.  Its not that anyone has intentionally set out to change Lent and Easter into a secular holiday. We’ve done that by treating Lent as a time to “give something up” while losing the meaning behind why we do it.  We’ve done that by making a big deal out of eating fish on Fridays, to the point that McDonald’s is now serving fishbites, all in time for Lent.  And worst of all, we’ve done it by treating Easter as only a story to be told, and that’s all we need. Continue reading Taking Down the Veil

Fully Committed

Start by reading Luke 5:1-11 and Matthew 14:22-33

This is going to be the last post on Stewardship.  I know, there are many of you that are excited about that.  That being said, I also want this to be a little bit more fun.

One of the traps that I think we get ourselves into is that we like to treat Stewardship with a lot of weight.  We think, that because its such a serious topic, that we should treat it as such.  It should be serious, and ponderous, and solemn, and “holy,” and full of onerous statements of philosophical certitude (and ain’t that a mouthful).  Continue reading Fully Committed