Tag Archives: Rules

The Simple Life: Real Life

Start by reading Colossians 3:1-11 and John 17:1-11

When I look at the title of this post, I start singing Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody.

Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy….

And there’s a lot of truth in a single line of lyrics.  This is the first post in this series called, “The Simple Life.”

The goal of this series is see the way that God has called us to live a life that is simpler than what we have, where we give up many of the complexities of life that control us, and put others back into their correct place.  This is a simpler life because we aren’t being controlled by other things, but living out who God called us to be. Continue reading The Simple Life: Real Life

What Drives You?

Start by reading Deuteronomy 4:1-6 and Matthew 25:31-46

These are two great passages, but they present us with a conundrum.  I know, that’s not a word that you’re used to using in everyday conversation (unless you’re me, and like funny sounding words).  Basically, we’re presented with two different ideas that we want to be able to do both, but are unsure of how to do it.

You may be saying to yourself, “what do you mean?”  One the one hand we’re presented with a rule abiding, obedient, lawful faith.  One where everyone agrees to follow one set of rules, and live by any consequences that come because of them. On the other hand, we have Jesus talking about what we do and what we don’t do. That may sound similar to rules, and some look at it as rules, but they aren’t really. Jesus doesn’t mention any rules there, rather its all about what we do just because we are who we are. Continue reading What Drives You?